Navigating Relocation Petitions and Custody in New Jersey

Relocating can be a significant step, especially when children are involved. In New Jersey, relocation cases that impact child custody...

What to Know About Civil Union Dissolution in New Jersey

While civil unions provide couples with many of the same legal rights as marriage, dissolving a civil union in New...

Managing College Costs After Divorce: What Parents Need to Know

When couples with children go through a divorce, the legal process typically involves determining custody, child support, and the division...

The Effect of Financial Infidelity on a Divorce

The Effect of Financial Infidelity on a Divorce Despite the potential consequences, a Harris Poll found that 43% of respondents...

Improving the Co-Parenting Experience Is Better for the Family

Most New Jersey parents support a co-parenting relationship after a separation or divorce, with about 95% of them believing that...

What Needs To Be Included In A QDRO?

What to Include in Your QDRO Divorce attorneys note that New Jersey considers retirement plans, such as pensions, 401(k)s and...

Preparing Financially For A Divorce

The Importance of Financial Preparation Before Divorce The median cost of a divorce in the United States is about $7,000,...

Huge Victory for Victims of Domestic Violence

Upholding Safety: Federal Law Prohibits Firearms for Those Under Domestic Violence Restraining Orders In a landmark decision United States v....

How Alimony is Determined in New Jersey

How Do New Jersey Courts Determine Alimony? Alimony awards are not automatic and have steadily declined since the 1960s from...

Divorcing an Angry Spouse

Safe Strategies for Divorcing an Angry Spouse According to some statistics, almost 50% of first-time marriages end in divorce, and...

Reducing the Stigma of Divorce

Divorce Shouldn't Be Shameful It's often said that half of marriages end in divorce. However, just because you want to...

The One Demographic Where Divorce Rates Are Rising

Divorce Rates Are on the Rise for Seniors In the past two decades, national divorce rates have been gradually declining....